Step 2

  • In the first section of the scrapbook, you are required to read five documents dealing with the Great Depression/New Deal.
  • The five documents that you read should be printed and placed in your scrapbook.
  • Immediately after each document, the student should write a summary of the work making sure to describe the contents of the document and to discuss how the document pertains to the Great Depression/New Deal.
  • The Documents:
  1. First Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt
  2. An African American and the WPA
  3. Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) Unionism
  4. Roosevelt is a "Damned Good Man"
  5. Disagreeing About the New Deal
  6. Great Depression and WWII
  7. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal
  8. The New Deal Was a Failure
  9. Works Progress Administration